The Scientific and Technical Library of Armenia
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The Scientific and Technical Library of Armenia

I have visited many libraries in Armenia, but this one impressed me the most with its extensive collection of technical literature. Unfortunately, the Scientific and Technical Library of Armenia will be closed due to a highly criticized decision by the Armenian Government. Read more in the article.

The Republican Scientific and Technical Library of Armenia, founded in 1957, initially operated on Moskovyan Street. In 1982, it moved to 49/1 Komitas Avenue. The library's mission is to collect scientific, technical, and patent resources, and provide scientific and technical information and library services.


Three floors of the library were full of bookshelves, with each floor divided into two levels

The library's collection includes approximately 22 million copies of literature, including:

Books: deposited manuscripts and dissertation abstracts

Periodicals: magazines, press journals, informative bulletins, analytical bulletins, and official bulletins covering the RA legal framework

Patents: copyright certificates, descriptions of inventions and utility models, trademarks, industrial design bulletins, and press publications

Industrial catalogs: brand catalogs and price lists

Normative-technical documents (standards): state standards, industry standards, specifications, magazines, and collections on standards

Video tapes


Optical drives (CD, DVD)


Unfortunately, On May 2, the Government of the Republic of Armenia decided in a closed session to expropriate the buildings of the Scientific and Technical Library. The closure of the library is presented in the context of systemic reforms and the purposeful and effective use of budget funds. Branches of the Scientific and Technical Library in Gyumri, Kapan, Hrazdan, and Vanadzor will also be closed.

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